Showing posts with label Good humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Good humor. Show all posts

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Something New To Learn: The Wonders of Science and Technology!

One of my past time if I get the chance is to search stuffs online what to read and what other information that I want to know aside from reading in conventional way. I came across to this pretty impressive and interesting site.

It's very fast on keeping track of the world's current population, the world’s government and economics status, society and media updates, environment, food, water, energy and health updates. Like, how many people died this year and today, being born for a day and this year, how many are undernourished, how many blog posts are written today, how many internet users every day, how many cars and computers produced this year, how much public education expenses each day, how many people died of hunger, how much is the world’s spending on illegal drugs this year and a lot, lot more. It’s like less than a second recording the data. Isn’t it amazing? You might want to see for yourself if you still haven’t and it can be found in here:

Image courtesy of cooldesign @