Showing posts with label Fashion and Style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion and Style. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Psychology of Color in Fashion: How to Use It to Your Advantage

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a workshop called "Color Me Beautiful" with a group of people my age. The workshop was an excellent chance to learn which colors complemented our skin tones and helped us enhance our style.

The workshop was to empower us to explore our fashion sense and style by understanding which colors suited us best. We learned that some colors, like blue, pink, white, black, green, maroon, and red, could enhance our natural features and bring out our best selves. However, colors like brown could emphasize an individual's eye bags and may not be suitable for everyone.

Overall, the "Color Me Beautiful" workshop was a constructive and meaningful experience that helped us learn more about ourselves and discover which colors suited our skin tones best.

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Sunday, July 03, 2022

Chopping Boards - Plastic vs Wood


Wood absorbs more liquids and can be dangerous for bacteria growth. Meats for plastic chopping board and wooden is ideal for fruits and vegetables.

NjA Art & Photography

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Zeal and Enthusiasm


“If you have zest and enthusiasm 
you attract zest and enthusiasm. 
Life does give back in kind.”

- Norman Vincent Peale -


“The enthusiastic person will find ways around 
any setbacks, they may fall down, 
but they are quick to stand up again.”

- Catherine Pulsifer -


“It’s faith in something and enthusiasm 
for something that makes life worth living.”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. -


“Cash can buy, but it takes enthusiasm to sell.”

- Dale Carnegie -


“Knowledge is power and enthusiasm 
pulls the switch.”

- Steve Droke -


“You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. 
Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes 
your hopes rise to the stars.”

- Henry Ford -

“Your enthusiasm will be infectious, 
stimulating and attractive to others. 
They will love you for it. 
They will go for you and with you.”

- Peale -

NjA Art & Photography