Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Life's Treasures


NjA Art & Photography

For life's treasures are found within the realm of nature. 

Embrace the warmth of the sun's caress, 

let it invigorate your spirit. 

Plunge into the vast expanse of the Sea, 

its currents whispering tales of distant lands. 

Assimilate the untamed air,

 filled with the essence of freedom and untethered dreams. 

Let nature be your guide, companion, and muse. 

Discover the harmony of existence in its embrace 

as you dance to the universe's rhythm. 

Embrace life with open arms and 

let its wonders unfold in all its blazing beauty.

Let the symphony of nature serenade your soul 

as each note harmonizes with your every heartbeat. 

The whistling wind shall carry away your worries, 

leaving you weightless in its ethereal melody. 

Venture into the lush forests, 

their ancient secrets whispered through the rustling leaves. 

Climb mountains to touch the sky, 

where clouds unravel their atmospheric tales. 

Follow the path of rivers, 

where the water's gentle flow reflects the waning 

and flow of life's journey. 

Seek solace in nature's embrace and 

unlock the profound wisdom it yearns to share.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Magnificent Cullasaja Waterfall


Cullasaja Falls is a beautiful waterfall in the Nantahala National Forest in North Carolina. It is a popular attraction for nature lovers and adventurers.

Here are some critical points about Cullasaja Falls:

Location: Cullasaja Falls is in the Cullasaja River Gorge, part of the Nantahala National Forest.

Scenic Beauty: The waterfall is known for its picturesque setting, with cascading water falling over multiple tiers along the Cullasaja River. It is surrounded by stunning greenery and a natural backdrop for visitors.

Accessibility: The falls can be reached by driving along US Highway 64, the Waterfall Byway. The falls are visible from the road, making them easily accessible for sightseeing. However, a designated trail to reach the base of the falls has yet to be developed.

Hiking Opportunities: While there is no official trail to the base of Cullasaja Falls, nearby hiking trails offer captivating views of the waterfall and the surrounding area. One popular trail is the Cullasaja Falls Trail, which runs along the Cullasaja River and provides ample opportunities for exploration and photography, allowing you to fully appreciate the elegance of the surroundings.

Cullasaja Falls is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts in North Carolina, a testament to its popularity and stunning natural beauty in a picturesque forest setting. Join the ranks of those captivated by its charm and beauty.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

The Beautiful World-Class Gardens in North Georgia --- Gibbs Gardens

Gibbs Gardens is, above and beyond, a place to unwind, relax with your friends and family, colleagues, and peers, or be by yourself will do too.  You can see different flowers and plants in the Four Seasons. The ambiance is inviting. They have a shop where you can buy souvenirs if you want. They have a food center if you want to avoid bringing food. But it's also okay if you have food to cut some costs or wish to provide for yourself. 

It's better to wear comfortable shoes because there is plenty of walking in the area. You can buy tickets online, or you can also purchase them if you arrive there. For more information and the ticket's price, visit their website @

NjA Art & Photography

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Scenic Fall Foliage


“Winter is an etching, 

Spring a watercolor, 

Summer an oil painting 


Autumn a mosaic of them all.”

— Stanley Horowitz

NjA Art & Photography

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Boardwalk Daytona Beach

"It can be delayed, but not denied; 

anything that belongs to you comes to you 

when the time is right. 

Never give up. Never stop believing. 

Always have good in your heart."

--Sangeeta Rana--

NjA Art & Photography

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Sunday, November 06, 2022

Hope with Feathers


Hope is the thing with feathers that perches 
in the soul and sings the tune 
without the words and never stops at all.” 

-- Emily Dickinson --

NjA Art & Photography

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Every Good and Perfect Gift


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father 
of the heavenly lights, 
who does not change like shifting shadows.
🎋 James 1:17

NjA Art & Photography

Friday, January 21, 2022

Run To Exit and Pursue Good Health

Under the weather, I am reminded of the ten factors to good health (listed below). I realized I was a bit remiss of items lately, and still, others need my intentionality. Check yours.
1. NUTRITIOUS FOOD. Generally, plant-based food sources are ideal. Avoid all forms of processed food, pork, slow on chicken. Cut on sugar, all forms of sugar. Sugar feeds and extends the life of free radicals in our bodies.
2. WATER. At least 3 liters for females and 5 liters for males daily. Avoid cold water. Room temperature or lukewarm is suitable. Taking 2-4 glasses of water before breakfast is said to help regulate blood pressure. (If you have Kidney issues, consult with your doctor on this)
3. SLEEP. Completing a five cycle of sleep (or 90 mins per cycle) is already good. However, 8-10 hours of sleep is still best recommended. However, it is not just the number of hours of sleep that matters, but the time when we OUGHT to be asleep. We should be asleep by 9 pm. The liver will only detoxify when the person is in deep slumber. And it usually happens between 11 pm - 3 am.
4. EXERCISE. Heart pumping exercise is advised for the oxygen to reach the cellular level. (if you have comorbidity issues, consult with your doctor on this)
5. CLEAN AIR. Go to the beach or a place full of trees at least once a week. Do the breathing exercise--inhale a considerable amount of air and release (exhale) slowly through your mouth.
6. SUNLIGHT. The human body has a built-in vitamin D but gets activated only when exposed to sunlight. So a 10-15 minutes exposure is ideal between 6 am, and 9 am.
7. FAITH IN GOD. It recognizes that you are NOT in control, but God is and will always be. So if things do not go your way or are too much to handle, your heart can rest by faith, trusting God to work things out. And the tension will ease away. Warning: Control-driven people most likely develop stress-related illnesses.
8. FORGIVENESS. Bitterness is poison not just to the soul but also to the physical body. Unforgiveness increases the presence of free radicals. No amount of anti-oxidants could stop the destructive effect of bitterness. On the other hand, when we forgive genuinely, we develop an attitude of humility and thankfulness.
9. CHEERFULNESS. It signals the brain to release more dopamines (happy hormones). And it relaxes the muscles. Cheerfulness is more of an attitude rooted in one's faith in God, not just some fun happenings that emits laughter.
10. BENEVOLENCE. Humans, by default, are selfish. But when we begin to recognize that we are here for a purpose to serve others, we will find meaning in our existence. A case in point is mothers. Notedly, mothers seldom get sick. Nursing and nurturing moms are usually strong and healthy, from childbearing to childrearing. By the grace of God, may His wisdom will fill us every day. May He strengthen us to choose suitable, beneficial, or promote a healthy lifestyle for God's glory. ------- *Note: from my post entitled "RUN TO EXIT AND PURSUE GOOD HEALTH!", "as gathered mainly from the health talks of Dr. Myrna Catibog" and other medical doctors turned naturalists advocates as well as some of my readings.

Contributor: Ruby S. Badoy

NjA Art & Photography